Sunday, July 26, 2009

Getting Things Done! Chapter 7 & 8

The Blogger's Bookstudy continues! and just this past weekend, Pastor Matt broke down Chapter 6 for us "Getting IN to Empty"  We are going to break down the next 2 Chapters!

 Organizing: Setting Up the Right Buckets. I will never forget a consultant on Oprah that once said, "you will never be disorganized or have a mess, if you have a place for everything!?"

That statement changed the way I tailored my house, my closets, & my calendar. Its all about buckets or "bins" to place things in. The RIGHT buckets!Having a total & seamless organized system in place give you POWER because it allows your mind to let go of lower-level thinking & fly at intuitive FOCUS.

I personally start off every Sunday evening with an Action Item List of the week. This Chapter helped me evaluate "the stuff" in the basket.

There are 7 primary types of things that you'll want to keep track of & manage from an organizational perspective:

  • A "Projects" list
  • Project support material
  • Calendared actions & information
  • "Next Actions" lists
  • A "Waiting For" list
  • Reference material
  • A "someday/maybe" list
You have to keep these categories distinct from one another as they each represent a discrete type of "agreement" we make with ourselves, & if they "lose" their edge & begin to blend, the value of organizing is gone! Be true to your categories, your "buckets". For instance, if you have a project that you're not going to be doing anything about for some must go onto your "Someday/Maybe" list so you can truly relate to the "Projects" list with action-generating FOCUS :)

In Chapter 8, Reviewing: Keeping your system functional - the purpose of this whole method of workflow management is not to let your brain become lax but rather enable it to move toward more productive activity. Reviewing your "system" on a regular basis & keeping it current & functional are pre-requisites for that kind of control.  Instill the power of a weekly review. The weekly review is whatever you need to do to get your head "empty agan". Its going through the five (5) phases of workflow management - collecting, processing, organizing, and reviewing all your outstanding involvements. 

You must basically ask yourself "What do you need to do, and how often, to ensure that all of it works as a consistent system, FREEING you to THINK & MANAGE at a higher level? Your personal system needs to be established in such a way that you can SEE all the Action Options you need to see, when you need to see them.

Go over to Genie's blog tomorrow for the next chapter of Getting Things Done!!


Heredes said...

"you will never be disorganized or have a mess, if you have a place for everything!?"

Good stuff ! thx for the review Lili - also - I think genie is reviwing tomorrow .. not Marcy :)

peace out - gotta get things done - cya !


Garland Robertson said...

I'm not big on the Orprah show but do agree with the need to be as organized as possible. I have found sometimes that because of being organized I was not very flexible.
I like the list of seven. I think it is one of those things where you need to figure out the best way it works for you.
Example: Buckets or Bins, To do's w/follow ups, etc.
Good stuff and good insight Lili.

BZ Ward said...

Thanks Lili!! Great summary... I am really enjoying this book; it works for both the administrative and crazy creative sides of my brain. Me myself and I are working on implementing now!

ann said...

enjoyed reading your review lili! i love the term "Action Options" it's def going into my vocab.

Mike said...

I am a TODO list freak!! this is going to help my labels or BUCKETS!! thank U

Tracey said...

this is going to help me focus big time. thanks for breakng it down L

mike said...

thanks for summing it up!!

Heather Palacios said...

i am a total poo-poo head when it comes to this kind of stuff. but i do organize my life by the "buckets" of priority: God first, Raul second, Kids & ministry third. At least w/ these, I stay on course...but admittedly, could do a much btr job of organzing the stuff that is IN ea of these buckets.