Saturday, December 12, 2009

What It Means to Feed the Children

Someone walks up to the rectangular table outside the Rush. They get a name tag and a fashionable hairnet. They walk in through the double doors, leaving all food and drink outside.
They walk out two hours later, with a new sense of purpose, a huge smile on their face and a wonderful story to tell!

"Someone" is you, if you volunteered this weekend at our Feed My Starving Children food packing event! We have had an average of 130 volunteers per noisy, friendly shift! Children and adults, even those with some physical impairment, have been able to participate. We are blessed to be able to help feed the children who are so very hungry in Haiti.

But can you keep a secret? I think the biggest blessing is happening in the heart of each volunteer, who is participating in something so meaningful. These events help us all keep our own lives in perspective, and move us to thank God with more passion than ever.

If you haven't come out yet, check out Hands and Feet for shift times, and come on out! You can still participate, no need to sign up. Just come and be blessed!

And for those that have already done their part - a huge Thank You! It's fun, isn't it? Take a minute to tell us below about what your participation meant to you!

1 comment:

Melissa Nadlman said...

Our group volunteered on Friday night. We had a blast meeting other volunteers and making a difference in the lives of the children of Haiti. My wish is that everyone at Flamingo finds a group to be a part of. Our group is more than a place to meet and study, we are a family!