Monday, October 5, 2009

Word up from one of our CHAMPIONS!

FLAMINGO has asked the CHAMPIONS to speak with their respective Connect Group Leaders about the G Offering that will be taken at the end of the Super Hero Series. The Church asks that you take time to speak with each of your groups this weekend to share Pastor Troy's vision for missions in this area. If each member of the Church, or even each member of a Connect Group gives something, imagine how far we could go in reaching our goals.  Keep in mind the real goal is the salvation of souls!
I'm sure many of you are struggling in these financially difficult times (I know I am) and may have no idea where you could possibly come up with more money to give in another offering. Remember Your Father has an endless supply of resources and it is virtually impossible to out-give Him. I would recommend you suggest to each member of your group that they pray on this issue throughout the coming week and ask God for His guidance in this area.
Now is the time to start thinking about whether your group will continue on at the end of the Super Hero series. If you group will continue, make sure the information on your "regular" group is updated with the date your group will start up, make sure the date/time/location of the meeting for the "regular" group is accurate in its listing and you can start entering your members (the same as you did for members in your Super Hero group) over the next few weeks so you don't have to do it all at one time.
This is the time to start thinking about what topic your group will cover at the end of the Super Hero series. The Church is putting together at least 3 topics that will have DVD's you can use (much as you did in the SH series) and some materials to help you transition to your next group. We strongly recommend all new leaders select one of these pre-selected topics that have been put together for you at least for your next series. Once the topics have been finalized and the Champions informed, I will be sure to let you know additional information on these materials.
In God's Love, CHAMPTION - Linda!

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