Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Law Of The Buy In

Law #14 of John Maxwell's The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is:

The Law of The Buy In: People Buy Into The Leader, Then The Vision

“The leaders find the dream and then the vision. The people find the leader and then the dream.”

Maxwell points out that many leaders who approach realizing their vision “have it all backward.” We think that if we have a ‘good cause,’ people will automatically buy in and follow. But he notes that this is not how it works…that people do not follow worthy causes- they follow worthy leaders who can promote a cause they can believe in.

You Are The Message: “Every message that people receive is filtered through the messenger.” It is about credibility. If you think the messenger is credible, you will think the message has value.






Don’t Buy In

Don’t Buy In

Get Another Leader

Don’t Buy In

Buy In

Get Another Leader

Buy In

Don’t Buy In

Get Another Vision

Buy In

Buy In

Get Behind The Leader

1. When followers don’t like the leader or the vision, they look for another leader. Maxwell notes that the only time people will follow a leader they don’t like with a vision they don’t believe in is when the leader has some kind of leverage. This could be anything from something extreme, like physical violence, to merely being able to withhold a paycheck…or be the only potential source of a paycheck.

2. When followers don’t like the leader but they do like the vision, they look for another leader. Maxwell gives an example of why pro-sports team coaches are so often replaced. The vision is most always common- win. But players don’t always buy into the leader. So, does the CEO get rid of all the players-or just get a new leader?

3. When followers like the leader but not the vision, they change the vision. In this case. Sometimes the followers work to convince the leader to change the vision…or they may abandon their point of view and adopt the leader’s…or they may reach a compromise. But, they rarely flat out reject the leader.

4. When followers like the leader and the vision, they get behind both. Having a great vision is not enough. As a leader- you must get the team to buy into you…so they will follow and heal realize the goals. This is the price you have to pay.

You may need to buy time for people to buy in. Do that by focusing on them…adding value to them. This will build your credibility.

Applying the Law of The Buy In to Your Life

1. Why do you lead? What is your vision for your leadership and organization? What are your goals? What do you want to accomplish? Write your thoughts in a vision statement. Is this vision worthy of your time and energy? Are you willing to sacrifice for it? If not, then rethink what you are doing and why.

2. What is the level of buy in for the people you lead? List the members or key members of your team. Rate each person’s buy-in [their willingness to follow you – even despite tough times] on a scale from 1-10. If your people do not buy into you, they will not help you realize your vision [even if they love it]. They will find a new leader to lead them.

3. Consider ways you can earn credibility with others. For example- by:

a. Developing a good relationship

b. Being honest, authentic and developing trust

c. Holding yourself to high standards and setting a good example

d. Giving them tools to do their job better

e. Helping them achieve their personal goals

f. Developing them as leaders.

Develop a strategy with each person. If you make your goal to add value to each of them, your credibility will rise rapidly.


Maxwell, John. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Chapter 14- The Law of The Buy In. Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN; 2007

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