Wednesday, May 5, 2010


This month is a-MAY-zing, and we have lots and lots going on at Flamingo in the Connection Ministry.... Chic-fil-a Leadercast, Family Dedication, Mother's Day Weekend, Viva Women, and Viva Men. Also, during our Jericho series and every weekend during the month of May, we will be have our Next Step partnership class!

At one of our last Connection Director Meetings, Barby suggested that all our Connect Group Leaders and Champions should have a "Talk-2-Ten" philosophy each weekend. Translation: As Leaders, we should make an effort to talk to 10 new people each week and at every event. What a great idea! We loved it! So, as we chase after our 50-100-150 dream and try to connect as many people as possible, let's do it! Let's challenge each other to Talk-2-Ten starting this weekend! Welcome 10 new people (people you don't know) to Flamingo. Ask them if they are in a Connect Group. Invite them to attend Viva! Talk to 10 new people and watch God move and change lives!


Anonymous said...

Super cool Idea!


BZ Ward said...

I am really going to be intentional about this! It should add even more energy to all our events. But I also want to be prayerful going into the events, that God will guide me to the right people. Excited! :)