Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Heroes & Villains Week 3 - Anger

Connect leaders, this week's IMax ("I Maximize the Message") discussion guide is all about Anger. Batman and Joker both had to deal with anger, brought about by injustice. But they reacted in very different ways.

A. Read 1st Peter 2:12 and James 1:12
Have you ever faced an injustice in life? An adverse situation that was completely out of your control, and caused you emotional pain?
What emotions rise up within us when we deal with injustices?
Anger is a difficult emotion to channel. Are there constructive uses of anger?
In what situations do you feel is it acceptable to express anger?

B. Read Ephesians 4:26b – 27, and Proverbs 22:24-25
Anger causes you to not listen to others – have you found this to be true in your own life?
How can you counteract that?
Have you ever said or emailed something you really regretted? What did you do to “fix” the situation?
What was the outcome of that situation?

C. Read Ephesians 4:26, 1 Peter 3:9 and Philippians 1:21
Share with others in the group any coping mechanisms you are familiar with that can help them deal with anger.
Do you believe there is a relationship between unresolved anger and bitterness?
If you have any key scriptures that you use to help you to deal with anger, please share them with your group.

Connect Group Challenge – When faced with injustice, and you feel yourself getting angry, CHOOSE use that anger and frustration to make an impact for good. ENDURE like a hero – the reward is great. A hero can use even adverse situations to grow stronger, and help others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you all you all you do!
Anita Chitiva