Thursday, June 11, 2009

SUMMER is here!!!

Can you believe the SUMMER is here already!! We just did the Gift Revolution didnt we? Well, its my 5th Summer at Flamingo & Ive learned that things look & feel a "little"different. 

Here are 10 things for a summer ministry season directly from Pastor T: 
  1. REST - When you are on your break--enjoy it, trust the folks you have raised up and let them have fun.
  2. ENGAGEMENT - When you are away, rest; but when you are here, stay engaged, execute with passion and raise up new people within your groups & ministry teams.
  3. PERSONAL GROWTH - Make sure you and your team have an intentional plan to grow, without it, your team will return in the fall the same way they ended the ministry season. READ!!!!
  4. PROJECTS - What is the summer project your team will be dreaming, meeting and discussing? What is the problem it will solve? The answer it will give?  
  5. FINANCES - Remember that we have chosen to run after the dream that God has given us and we are putting our money where our dream is.  By now, you should have a fun way to encourage your team to cut spending.  Remember the PRIZE will go to the ministry that has the largest % difference between what their budget numbers are and what they literally spent. These are challenging times, but the challenges in front of us can help us be better stewards and have more effective ministries. 
  6. PRAY - Please pray for our Pastor & his family. Pray for health, passion, courage and wisdom.  Pray for your teams PASSION for the next ministry season.  Pray that God will bring you new folks with out-of-the-box ideas!!!!
  7. FAILURE - What does it mean for you and your team if...FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION?
  8. ONLINE - Have your team stay engaged with reading and interaction through technology: Twitter, Facebook, blogs, MySpace.  Let’s own this for the kingdom!
  9. VALUES - Remind those in your small groups while ministry looks different in the summer we are still living out the Ethos. We are still working on the XL7 and we are still expecting God to do some amazing things through HIS church family called Flamingo Road Church.
  10. STAY CONNECTED!!! Be sure to join


lili said...

And dont forget the GEARS summer edition!!!! Launches next week GLOBALLY!!!

Tracey said...

Thankss for the reminders PL :)


Anonymous said...

great word!!!!!!! & cant believe its summer either??