Thursday, May 28, 2009

Join NING today!

The new Small Group Leader Online Community is up and running! This community is for FRC small group & connection "LEADERS" (and potential leaders), and already 48 leaders are online and sharing information. 

Use this technology to keep connected!

Here are some of the features: 

  1. Customizable Member Pages-  add music, photos, documents, etc
  2. Resources- currently has over 14 weeks of lessons,  small group articles, and numerous training and promotional videos….all downloadable!
  3. Calendar of Events -(can be exported to your Outlook or iCal)
  4. Monthly Metrics for sending monthly class reports
  5. Go Live- hot link to FRC live service
  6. Connections Blog Page
  7. Forum- a place to ask and respond to questions from other Small Group Leaders.
  8. Photos- upload, share, view photos submitted by other members
  9. Chat - ability to open a chat room with whoever is currently a member and online
  10. Keep connected as the Leadership Team of Connections!

Now, we have a place where we can share ideas, exchange resources, download lesson plans and tutorials, learn about each other, and communicate with each other across all of FRC's 7 campuses! We can pool our knowledge and resources to make a "kingdom difference" and help others reach their God Potential!  Join today! 

Go to:  & join today!!!   For questions,email

1 comment:

Pris said...

Wow! Things would have been so much easier for the apostle Paul if he had lived in our times! It's all high tech baby ;)