Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Operation: Egg-REACH is HERE!

Easter is almost here! What is your group doing to prepare? We're egg-cited to tell you about an egg-strordinary and egg-cellent idea that was hatched at our last Connection Team meeting called Operation: Egg-REACH. Let me egg-splain.

We want all Connect Group members to reach out and eggs-pose their communities to Flamingo Road Church Easter Services by egg-stending them a Flamingo Egg-vite. An Egg-vite is a Jumbo plastic egg containing 2-3 Flamingo invite cards with the times of our Easter services and a couple of pieces of pre-packaged candy. Leaders should plan on providing each member egg-sactly 1 dozen plastic eggs containing the invite cards. Members will scramble around their community and leave their eggs in public places. For egg-sample, you can leave our Egg-Vites in banks, restaurants, beauty shops, doctor’s offices, egg-cetra. They should be fairly well eggs-hibited so they are easy to find. Who can resist opening an Easter egg?

Easter is a HUGE ministry opportunity for us, and we are egg-specting egg-splosive and eggs-ponential growth following this Easter season. As a church, our goal is 25,000 in attendance this Easter weekend! Therefore, it is egg-stremely important that all members participate. Jumbo eggs may be purchased at Publix (6 for .99), and they may be available at other retail stores for less. Pre-packaged candy (mini snickers, etc) are also Buy1 Get1 at Publix this week. For a relatively small investment (less than $5 per member), each group could potentially reach hundreds of people!

Flamingo Invite cards to include in your Egg-Vites are available at all campuses now. If you need further egg-spanation, visit your campus Connection Center for more details.

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