Thursday, October 22, 2009

Apologetics Class starts next week at FLAMINGO!

Do you have an answer for people who talk to you about other religions? Do you feel "stumped" when people ask you questions about your faith? Are you intimidated by discussions about whether or not the Bible is true?

So are most people! This is why we are offering the next class in the Seminary Gear. The textbook is When God Goes to Starbucks: A Guide to Everyday Apologetics, by Paul Copan.

"Apologetics" seems like a big word, but it simply means learning to articulate what you believe, and give a strong explanation of your faith. It doesn't mean to apologize!

Please don’t be intimidated. Dr. Lema has tons of grace for people who feel inadequate with all of this. As an example: in our last class, in an exercise we used Viva La Vida, by Coldplay as our text! Dr. Lema has a direct and easy to understand teaching style, and is super approachable. The classes are relaxed, and you can feel free to ask questions. If you are serious about ministry, and don’t want to get left behind, this class is for you. There is a good buzz around this class, and we are excited.

Please consider taking the time to participate in this class, and encourage your team members to do so. It is only five weeks long, on Thursday evenings at the Cooper City campus. Cost is $90 (with a $25 registration fee if you did not take the summer class).

Please email questions to Janis Whipple, who is coordinating the class, at

Thank you for thinking about this! And if you have any questions please contact Barby Ward at ext 220 or at

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