Saturday, August 15, 2009


I had a really interesting adventure with 2 beautiful souls during my last hours in LA a few weeks ago Ive been eager to share.  In the quest to find a sushi place called Kabuki, we learned so much about our journey in Life….about how to navigate through life circumstances.  

We were hungry, tired from all day conference, weary we wouldnt find "it", it was a looong few hours before we FINALLY did….with many other options along the way we held on for Kabuki, the "Promise Land". There was no compromising.

The funny thing is, Kabuki ended up being right where our adventure BEGAN, we just didn’t notice the sign. We walked right past IT. But we are grateful for the journey that took us there as we wouldn’t have learned all that we learned & that the Spirit whispered to us through out the quest.

These are some of the things we learned along the way:

Sometimes what you are looking for is right around the corner 

He will blind you to it until its time for you to receive it

Don’t entertain your hunger with the wrong choices

The long walk had a purpose to get to final destination

Deepest desire of your heart might not come in the package you’re expecting

We will have many options on the way to our destiny, don’t compromise

We ran across several pizza & burger joints along the way....but didnt settle!

Align your dreams with His destiny

Closed doors of other sushi places didnt mean blessing was not coming

Trust your courage

Gods best plan could be around the corner

If God has placed it in your heart, He will bring IT

Don’t do life alone – remind one another, allow encouragement to carry you through

Share your vision with those around you for accountability

We had no idea where we were going, but He did, look for direction along the way

We never stopped moving, kept MOVING forward as we navigated

Enjoy the journey...share it with friends...find the joy as you walk!

Know if you are enduring hunger, it WILL BE satisfied

If we go to wrong people, you will be sent to the wrong place

Know that the journey will involve disappointment, & you will get tired & weak, but you are that much closer

Sometimes we have to make several left turns to make the right turn

Even if IT looks good (other options), be bold enough to walk away

When you interfere with the wrong someone else, you are interfering with that person’s destiny

The pain now will not compare to the joy of your later; When in pain, think of what God has promised you

Sometimes you feel like all you do is walk in circles, but you are that much closer to your destiny

There is only complete satisfaction in His purpose

We were in a quest for sushi, we got chocolate fudge dessert on top of that. God will always EXCEED your expectations!

The moment we walked in to Kabuki, we knew...this is it! You will know when you’re walking into your reward, into your destiny

God has chosen IT for you - Seek that peace in your heart. His confirmation.

As the iPhone was our guide in search of Kabuki, so will the Bible be your guide

Once we arrived at destination, we got the revelation, we had found IT!

In His will is where His abundance flows

Hope our journey spoke to you. It left us speechless!!! Enjoy the journey...leave destination to HIM.


Linda said...

that was one powerful walk!? we learn in everything that happens to us. thx for sharing

Anonymous said...

so many of those spoke to me as i "search" for that person. not settling for pizza or burgers!!! waiting for my filet mignon. or better yet, Kabuki!

Paola said...

i love when you said you will make several left turns before you make the RIGHT turn. thanks for the details of your journey. sounds like a teaching to singles in the making

Jose said...

what an adventire! God never wastes a moment to teach us

Anonymous said...

praying for the kabuki in my life!!

Pris said...

Ha! I love this! Re-lived every moment as I read it. Thanks for taking the time to type up this journey. Can't wait to see what journey we get into next time we meet!!!

Much love...

Joel Milian said...

Good stuff ! It sounds like a page from The Exodus when Moses and his people were wandering in the desert for 40 years waiting to enter the promise land which was always there but they couldn't see it. Keep going after IT ! Just a word of inspiration and prayer. Lord give me strength for today, hope for tomorrow and faith for the remaining journey in this life.