Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Got Judas on my mind...

I can relate to many folks in the Bible.  Joseph, Martha, Esther, even Eve...but Judas? Not til this past weekend. 

I think we all tend to correlate Easter with the crucifixion of Christ...the ultimate sacrifice & symbol of "forgiveness". But PTroy would challenge us "to run from the cross to the TOMB", where the true miracle occurred. The RESURRECTION. Fact is if the story had ended at the Cross, we wouldn't be having this convo.

And ever since then, I am trying with all that I am, to see things, situations, circumstances,people... through the eyes of the resurrection.

You see, Judas gave up to soon....he quit, hung himself and COMPLETELY missed out on THE miracle. I've been at the verge of quitting on situations in my life, on people I loved, but this Easter, I was reminded that Christ had every reason to give up & he didn't...I was also reminded that it didn't happen overnight. This miracle took 3 days....some will take 3 months, others years?!

Christ remained FOCUSED on His mission (His destiny), surrendered ultimately to the Father's will & was part of an eternal Miracle.

God, I pray the same for my life & the lives of those reading this....that we would solely follow your will...never give up too soon like Judas and risk missing out on the miracle you have for our lives. May we see every single day & situation, our marriages, finances, whatever IT is, through the eyes of the Resurrection. 


Anonymous said...

Amen PL :) pray the same for me. I have felt like judas many of times

Kathy said...

this spoke so much to me too, about the 3 days. our pastor brought such a good word & remnder. -K

Ana said...

This Easter was the best ever!!!!!

tim said...

Great post filled with so many truths. I have given too quick many times. That's why God keeps bringing Psalms 46:10 to mind: "Be still and know that I am God.". We have to learn to trust God's timing.

Pris said...

My soul was touched with every word. AMEN to that prayer! May we persevere and enjoy the harvest!

I love you...more than words