Monday, December 22, 2008

Small Group of friends...BIG Gift Revolution

Last night, we got together to give a gift revolution christmas to a family newly arrived to the US from felt so awesome to be an extension of Christ in their give them some HOPE in His name, and to bless family members of Friends that are like family to us (The Acostas).

Our giving wont always be to someone we know...someone we love...or even someone we have good feelings about as Pastor T said just this weekend...but giving should be part of WHO we are when we come to know the Love of God.
For "He GAVE us...HIS only son"...thank you God for starting the Gift Revolution with Jesus.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your beautiful gesture last night. I know they were really touched by your generosity, but especially by your love. They have not only lost a job but they have been really hurt and betrayed by family members. They have felt really alone, like noone in the world cared for them. I know that last night they got to experience God's love and mercy through all of you and what you did. It was really especial and I know God touched their hearts. I just hope this is the beginning of a new journey with God in their lives.

Thank you for all you did and I know God was smiling down from heaven. I love you all so much and I'm so blessed to have you in my life. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your families, and may all of your dreams come true.


lili said...

we are family!!! -L

Anonymous said...

You Know....I remember as a little girl hearing adults say those familiar words "it is better to give then to receive" Honestly, I never really understood that until I came to know Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Now I get it :-) Thank you for challanging and inspiring me as a small group leader and for leading out with such grace.